TPT Saves

Saves I made in the program The Powder Toy.

< take me back
Title Description
Simple Nuke My first attempt at making a nuclear bomb
A bomb I made (Azure Bomb) My second (and much better) attempt at making a bomb
Azure Missile A very explosive missile
Smoke Bomb A smoke bomb
GOL: LINE A new game-of-life type
GOL: STAR & STR2 A game-of-life type comparison
GOL: STAR, STR2 and STR3 A union of game-of-life types
Moon Terrain A territect terrain preset
Mountains & Valleys A territect terrain preset
Mountains & Valleys V2 A territect terrain preset
Nuclear Cave A territect terrain preset
Pyramid Dunes A territect terrain preset
Forest A territect terrain preset
Coolkases Territect Saves A collection of my territect terrain presets
Blocky Gravity A bug I found in TPT
Buggy Fire Effect A bug I found in TPT
Capium (Alloy) A alloy made for reactors.